Trump Comes Out In Favor Of Prison Rape
Least surprising endorsement ever.
Least surprising endorsement ever.
He put kids in prison for profit. But that doesn't mean he wasn't a candidate for clemency.
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.
Sometimes work can be overwhelming. Trust that it's way worse for the poor people waiting on your decisions.
* It took a couple of days, but Donald Trump has blown off Judge Chutkan's warning that further public attacks on the proceedings would result in accelerating the existing January trial schedule. At the rate he's going, expect the trial next week! [Politico] * Meanwhile, in Georgia, prosecutors apparently have messages directly tying Trump's legal team to voting system breach. [CNN] * Florida Bar proposes allowing law school grads to engage in limited practice before passing the bar exam. One of many emergency measures required to make sure Donald Trump and his fellow indictees can secure local counsel. [Jax Daily Record] * Law.com lists lawyers on social media it considers attorney-influencers. [Law.com] * UPS reached an agreement with its workers, but it had strikebreaking plans all worked out. [Bloomberg Law News] * Judge charged with murdering wife. [Law360] * Sam Bankman-Fried off to Brooklyn MDC after judge finds witness tampering efforts in violation of bail, bringing renewed publicity to the facility's abhorrent conditions. [Reuters]
Solitary confinement is torture generally. In this case, it's absurd.
Updates to the award-winning case management software empower lawyers to focus on the most important tasks.
Politicians already called the situation at Rikers a 'humanitarian crisis' months ago -- and now it's even worse.
'A Turtle on a Fence Post' will be playing until January 2. Grab your tickets today.
* Paul Kirgis, University of Montana's School of Law's former dean, quits post after multiple Title IX cases have been filed against the school. Would anyone else rather quit than dissuade sexual misconduct and the use of slurs? If so, please do. [ABA Journal] * Donnie wants 4 former aides to keep insurrection info in the darko. Hopefully they'll rebel against him. [Politico] * Jan Wolfe hopes that recent ruling on Texas's abortion ban will have a chilling effect on other states adopting similar rule of law work arounds. Take that, South Dakota. [Reuters] * Slavery still profitable. What would it take to make prisons for justice instead of for profit? [WSJ] * Today in good news: California made stealthing illegal! Three cheers for consent! HIP HIP! [NPR]
No Patrick, handcuffs are not PPE.
Join us on March 26th for this CLE-eligible webinar led by Claude Ducloux where he'll dive into the strategic implications of adapting ethical practices to a distributed environment.
In decades of practicing criminal law, solitary confinement has been the go-to, knee-jerk response to inmate misbehavior.
It really doesn't have to be either-or.
In all seriousness though, the prison system needs some serious reform.
Maybe there's such a thing as administrators with too much time on their hands.
Or get a teenager to help!